Online Exam Software

Online Exam Software2021-08-21T05:17:02+00:00

About Online Exam Software

The Online Examination System has been intended to make the online assessment forms simpler and paper-free which is structured under a staggered security structure to forestall abuse and fumble of lawful and authority information by any unapproved and potential security dangers to the touchy information on the assessment office robotization programming.

online exam software dedicated to making exam evaluation simpler. It offers a secure testing platform for the educators that blocks any access to files, programs, and internet usage during exams on the student computers.

Registered candidates can take the test at any time and send it from their smartphone/tablet. In the examination automation software Students are given the flexibility to construct test Subject wise, Topic wise, and Level wise, selecting the test level that may be school, higher education, or some other competitive review.

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