Dairy Farma Management System

Dairy Farma Management System2021-12-04T07:57:54+00:00

About Dairy Farma Management System

IWS offering Dairy farm management system with all modern features. Farm owner can manage full farm using this application without any problem.We have dynamic cow age and pregnancy calculation. Its design is responsive so admin can easily check from mobile device. User can easily track all inventory specially milk and cow buy and sell and monthly expenditure.


User can easily check system all shortcut information from here. User can also check information graph view also with all latest information. User can also check cow daily feed chart from here so it’s really helpful for user after login to the application.

Human Resource

From this section admin can easily maintain farm employees, system users and maintain user’s salary also. Admin can easily add any user with his/her designation and maintain salary its easy to use.

Milk Parlor

Its really important section for any dairy farm so from this section admin or user can easily collect milk from a dairy farm and store that any specific account, after that admin or user can sell milk from that account and collect any due amount like installment based and generate invoices with print function.

Cow Feed

From this section admin or user can easily maintain cow feed chart and update that. So from this section admin or user can set feed chart for any specific cow by eating time also that really important.

Cow Monitor

This is really a big section for any dairy farm because admin or user can easily monitor any cow and add report on that cow health status, height status, milk status and update cow latest image, also can monitor cow vaccine our system automatically calculates all vaccines based on cow age and show all pending vaccine list when visit vaccine page. From this section admin or user can easily setup cow pregnancy and monitor pregnancy result.

Cow Sale

From this section admin or user can easily sell dairy farm cow and collection all due payment with modern invoicing system.

Office Expense

From this section admin or user can easily store all farm daily expenses with specific purpose.


Admin and user can store farm suppliers and use that when sell milk to any specific supplier.

Manage Cow

Admin or user can register a new cow from this section, when add new cow admin can add cow full details with auto calculate age after the date of birth with a cow previous vaccine list.

Manage Cow Calf

Admin or user can register a new cow calf from this section, when add new calf admin can assign the calf’s mother and other important details so its easy to use.

Manage Cow Stall

From this section admin or user can easily maintain cow stall. User can easily add stall no with available and booked status.


From this section admin or user can setup application branches, user type, designation, cow color, animal type, vaccines list, food unit list, food item name and monitoring service. It helps to operation full system easily.


From this section user or admin can setup application currency logo and admin image, footer information application name etc.


This is most powerful sector for this application, for this section user or admin can easily check office expense based on date range, employee salary based on date range, milk collect based on account no and date range, milk sale based on account number and date range, vaccine monitor, report, animal statistics based on animal and stall no its important report because admin can easily identify cow main problem and all other growing progress.

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